I was reading an article in WESTWORLD the other day and it got me thinking that maybe we don't always consider what is best for our Geopets.

For instance we all know what happens to us when we go to Mexico and drink some of the local water, sometimes it's a small amount like on a salad. That's right, Montezuma's Revenge. Well our GeoPets can go through the same thing traveling from Province to Province or State to State. A change in drinking water can give small and medium sized dogs diarrhea or cause stomach discomfort and vomiting.
This should help; you should always take at least 2 Litres or 2 Quarts of water from home for your pet. The first couple of days give your pet water from home and then over the next few days dilute it with local
water. After that your GEOPET should become accustom to the local water.
Follow these simple steps and you and your GEOPET should enjoy your Geocaching trip.
Keep-on Caching!
B&CJones - On Geocaching.com
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