Well here we are in December and Geocaching is taking a backseat to other things, because of cold weather, getting snow in my shoes, (I know, I should probably wear boots), I love Geocaching but the prospect of cold fingers ( I know I should probably wear some gloves)and having much more trouble finding things under a foot of snow than of course Geocaching in the summertime when it's pleasant and nice and bug bites and scratches from trees is all we have to be concerned with. I have decide to call quits and go to Hawaii departing Calgary December 24. We're heading off to The island paradise of Kauai, where there's numerous I must emphasize numerous, Geocaches to be found, one that I missed last time I was there is called the Kauai Cavern ( http://coord.info/GCJRWC ) is a wonderful site down a deserted beach that is a bit difficult to get to due to the rough road you need to navigate, I would recommend you need at least a SUV to get down the road it is pretty rough and red mud in the wet weather which is going to happen this time of year ( December), but when you get there you get to the hidden beach it's goes for miles, you need to walk down the sand at least half a mile where you will ford a small stream and go up a hill or you could walk around and take a bridge that was put there by Disney for parts of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, and then walk up the hill a bit and you come across this gaping massive sink hole in the lime stone, in the wall of this sink is the cavern hole in the ground, it's good 20 to 25 feet down to the cave which has guided tours on Sundays, the cache you are looking for is right behind you if your looking at the Cave opening from above. we missed it last time but got some great photos you may remember seeing on my photo "everybody wear their hats" it's a picture of some mushrooms , I didn't try to eat one, I didn't want to know what the results might be. Here we go again for a full week of Geocaching, Photography , enjoying the sun or the rain as it may be and spending some quality time together, it's going to be a great Christmas. I am looking forward to sharing our adventures with you when we get back. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year